Published Volumes:


Volume 2, issue 2 - 2022 (download the full issue)


Bending analysis of antisymmetric angle-ply laminates using HSDTs and the radial point interpolation method – Part I: Literature review and formulation
D.E.S. Rodrigues, J. Belinha, R.M. Natal Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(2), p.55-72, 2022


Bending analysis of antisymmetric angle-ply laminates using HSDTs and the radial point interpolation method – Part II: numerical examples
D.E.S. Rodrigues, J. Belinha, R.M. Natal Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(2), p.56-83, 2022


Combining artificial neural networks with finite element methods to predict the structural response of the proximal femur
A.I. Pais, F.J.L. Alves, J. Belinha
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(2), p.84-96, 2022


An elastoplastic constitutive model to simulate the non-linear behaviour of chitosan material for nerve regeneration guide tubes applications
J. Gomes, R.M. Natal Jorge, Jorge Belinha
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(2), p.97-110, 2022



Volume 2, issue 1 - 2022 (download the full issue)


Finite element simulations of the electro-chemomechanical behavior of articular cartilage. Part I: theoretical formulation
Mariana Bento, Fernando M.F. Simões and Benjamin Loret
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(1), p.1-16, 2022


Finite element simulations of the electro-chemomechanical behavior of articular cartilage. Part II: results and discussion
Mariana Bento, Fernando M.F. Simões and Benjamin Loret
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(1), p.17-34, 2022


Structural analysis of the new Bioactive Kinetic Screw in titanium alloy vs. commercially pure titanium
Carlos Aurelio Andreucci, Elza M. M. Fonseca and Renato N. Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(1), p.35-43, 2022


Structural analysis of healthy and degenerated intervertebral discs using meshless methods
Rita Almeida and Jorge Belinha
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.2(1), p.44-54, 2022



Volume 1, issue 3 - 2021 (download the full issue)


A stress analysis with the finite element method of a tibia model with a bone callus
Andreia Oliveira and Jorge Belinha
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(3), p.58-63, 2021


Cupula response to otoconia debris in the semicircular canal
C.F.Santos, J.Belinha, F.Gentil, M.Parente, R.M.N.Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(3), p.64-70, 2021


The computational simulation and impact analysis of the rib bones
Dilki Dias and Jorge Belinha
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(3), p.71-80, 2021


Development of a DoE with a new electrospinning system for cartilage tissue engineering
E.Silva, A.Semitela, P.A.A.P.Marques, A.Completo
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(3), p.81-91, 2021



Volume 1, issue 2 - 2021 (download the full issue)


Stress analysis of skin wounds using advanced discretization techniques
Ana Guerra, Jorge Belinha and Renato Natal Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(2), p.29-35, 2021


Estimating active forearm pronation-supination motion by means of FE modelling
I.J. Sánchez-Arce
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(2), p.36-41, 2021


Influence of middle ear tumours on the biomechanical behaviour of the chorda tympani
Leonor Mendonça, Carla F. Santos, Fernanda Gentil, Marco Parente, Bruno Areias and Renato Natal Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(2), p.42-47, 2021


Biomechanical study of the shoulder joint complex and associated injuries
Catarina Silva, João Ferreira and Marco Parente
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(2), p.48-57, 2021




Volume 1, issue 1 - 2021 (download the full issue)


Artificial Intelligence in Computational Mechanics and Biomechanics
Jorge Belinha
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(1), p.1-6, 2021


Using advanced discretization techniques to simulate the suturing process
Ana Guerra, Jorge Belinha and Renato Natal Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(1), p.7-13, 2021


Artificial Neural Networks Applied in Mechanical Structural Design
J.P.A. Ribeiro, L.F.F. Gomes and S.M.O. Tavares
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(1), p.14-21, 2021


Free vibration analysis of erythrocytes using the constant strain finite elements: a 3D study
M. I. A. Barbosa, J. Belinha and R. Natal Jorge
Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics
Vol.1(1), p.22-28, 2021