All manuscripts are submitted via email.
The corresponding author must prepare an email to the Editor in Chief (Professor Jorge Belinha – job@isep.ipp.pt) with the following documents:
- a signed cover letter, stating the title, names and afiliations of all authors and declaring that all authors agree with the submission and that the article is not under simultaneous submission in any other publication.

- the manuscript, written in the English Language (mandatory) using the available manuscript template (mandatory). In order to haste the manuscript publication, the authors should provide this document in its editable format, as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
The manuscript file size should not exceed 10 MB. If the text plus figures exceeds 10 MB, then figures, tables, images etc. may be submitted separately.
For any queries regarding online submission, please contact the Editor in Chief (Professor Jorge Belinha – job@isep.ipp.pt)
Processing of the manuscript
After the submission, The Editor-in-Chief of the journal will print the manuscript as a PDF file and then assign an expert editor for the preliminary Editorial review (which will receive only the PDF copy of the manuscript). If approved, the manuscript will be forwarded for external review under the supervision of the Assigned Editor. After the external review, the author will be notified of the first decision of acceptance, revision or rejection and the review status will be updated in JEMS as well. If required, the author can upload the revised manuscript which addresses the reviewers' comments. The manuscript received after revision will be identified as "Revised Manuscript" and this manuscript will be sent for another round of review after the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Thereafter, the author will receive one of the following decisions on the manuscript:
- Accept manuscript
- Minor revision
- Major revision
- Reject with resubmission
- Reject
On Submission
The Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics (JCAIMB) is an Open Access Journal published by "Publicações ISEP". The open-access articles are sponsored by "Publicações ISEP". No charges are applied.
Note: All manuscripts are automatically Open Access and there are no submission charges.
Open access:
- In open access, the articles are made freely available to wider public immediately after online publication.
- Open access does not affect the peer-review process of the manuscript.
- The open-access fee for JCAIMB is sponsored by "Publicações ISEP" for all manuscripts.
Manuscripts that do not respect the template:
JCAIMB is an editorial academic project, aiming to freely disseminate science and knowledge. There is no permanent secretary or editing service. The authors are responsible for formatting accordingly the manuscripts.
For those whose are unable to submit the manuscript in the prescribed format; he/she can apply for manuscript assistance. For this service, author has to pay the charges based on the manuscript that will be conveyed to the author through email.